Newcomer's Meeting
Every fourth Sunday of the month, Louisville Munch hosts a Newcomer's Meeting to welcome the new people into our community on our Discord Server. If you have never been to a Louisville Munch before, you probably have questions about our community or about BDSM in general that you would like to have a chance to ask. Bring all your questions and get some good information about how our community works and how best to get the most out of your involvement.
The Newcomer's Meeting is not required for attending any of our other events. It can be helpful for sure, but if you can't attend don't let that keep you from coming to any of our other events. Have a look at our calendar and see what we have coming up for you!
Mark your calendar for the fourth Sunday of any month, and we'll be there to welcome you! Email me directly if you need location information or call/text me on the number below.
Mr. Michael
(502) 694-BDSM |